Advertising Copy
In addition to our copywriting service, we can assist by creating effective copy and artwork for advertising, whether it’s for web pages, sales letters, Yellow Pages or News media advertising, this isn't too difficult when you know what works. There are some basic rules to creating effective advertising copy for any type of marketing media.
Answering the following questions will help you formulate the basic points needed for us to help you design an effective advertising campaign.
What do you wish to accomplish?
Decide what you want your advertising to accomplish. Do you want to generate inquiries? Do you want to get orders? What action do you want readers to take? How do you want them to respond? The entire advert should be aimed at this one purpose.
What does your target market / audience really want?
Target one group that will be most likely to buy your product or service. You can determine that group by discerning the characteristics of your best customers. Once you know your target audience and what they want we can help you to personalize your writing to appeal to their specific interests. Advertising that produces the biggest response will be when readers believe the message was written specifically for them.
What is the main benefit to the customer?
Customers don't care about you, your product, your company, or your professional qualifications (sad but true). They only care about the benefit they get from buying your product or service. The only thing a customer wants to know about your product or service is that it's guaranteed to give them what they require. List the key benefits and then we can focused on them when producing your advertising.
What is the emotional appeal of your product or service?
Your advertising should enhance the feeling your customers get while enjoying the benefits provided by your product or service. Getting them emotionally involved so they want to start enjoying those benefits immediately. As appropriate we can help you find word pictures or even real life stories to draw readers into your message.
Which single choice will you offer?
Unfortunately, potential customers will rush through you advert and make a fast decision. So if you give them more than one choice it will slow them down and they'll be afraid of making the wrong choice and will protect themselves by making none. You will lose sales, so identify the easiest way that your customer can buy from you and we’ll help you to highlight that. The only exception to this is if you can offer a few different ways to respond to your advert or sales message. Customers already know whether phone, fax, online, etc. is more convenient for them. They're more likely to act immediately when their favourite way to respond is available.
What is your best offer?
The best offer you can promote the better the response will be. Whether you're promotion is using free information, special price, free bonus with order, etc. it'll probably be the only reason people respond to your advertising copy. The stronger your offer the greater the response and the faster the customer will act. Once you have the customer you can then always sell the a second product or service, this is where the real profit comes from so be prepared with your follow up offer.
Where are your potential customers?
You will also need to know where to find the most pre-qualified potential customers. What do they read? Where do they visit, shop, socialise? Would a postcard campaign to a targeted mailing list work better than local newspaper? Do they read the local ‘free ads’ newspaper or paid for newspapers? Would direct mail work? Do you have a list of past customers that you could target? If you know where your next customers are likely to come from and their lifestyle then you are in a better position to put your sales message in front of them.
Putting it all together
We can help you create simple, clear advertising is easy to read and understand that propels your customer to the decision point with no hesitation. We can also help by adding appropriate artwork and graphics to make you advertising really stand out.
Having the answers to these few questions will help us to help you create new effective advertising copy. Use them as a checklist to evaluate your existing ads, web pages and sales letters. They're a proven formula you can use to maximize the response you get from all your marketing.